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  • Steering Column loose

    the steering column is quite loose and I think it may be affecting the linkage to the transmission. I really hafta slam the gear leaver (3 speed automatic) on the steering column into park, to get it to lock into park. How can this be fixed?

  • #2
    could be the little bushings in the linkage, could be the linkage needs adjusting, or could be inside the column.


    • #3
      In what way is it loose? do you have a tilt column that is loose?


      • #4
        can you buy the bushings for the linkage? and the other steering shaft stuff? how diffucult is it to fix. and i have a tilt column. if i grab the steering wheel i can move it side to side and the column will move too, and park is almost out of reach it seems like


        • #5
          that wobbly part is from the bolts inside the column, and you need to fix that first. It will require removing the steering wheel and some of the upper column internals (relatively easy), and applying loctite to the bolts that secure the upper column to the main column for the tilt. Then, once you reassemble everything the column itself will then be tight, and you can then check if the shifter is still loose.

          For the bushings, yes, you can get them through most transmission shops locally. Also, check the bolts under the dash that secure the column itself to the bottom of the dashboard. They are just inside the plastic cover where the column goes into the dash. make sure those are tight too.

