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  • Original Speedo on J200

    Hello out there. Does anyone have a good pic of the OEM speedometer on a
    J 200? Ii have a 1965 and it is missing the glass that said "Jeep" and had the speed numbers on it.
    I see there are some available on Ebay, but they are calibrated in Kilometers vs. mph. I am looking for one, but may have to bite the bullet and get a Dakota Digital. Any photos would help. Thanks.
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  • #2
    like this:


    • #3
      Yes, it is kind of like that. Thank you. Now I can compare it to the ebay one.

      My truck says it is a 1965. And as far as the speedo, mine seems to have different turn signals than the pic. It had a piece of clear glass over the face of it with the numbers and "Jeep" in yellow. The numbers and jeep word were printed...almost silk screened in the glass itself. I have included a pic of mine...minus the glass which was shattered of course.

      thanks for the photo. It helps me and what I was looking for.
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      • #4

        Hey Ryan. I found one. I am tossing a pic of it up here, so that anyone else can see what it looks like. It has a glass overlay that has the numbers and word Jeep on it.
        I have a j 200 and it says on the registration it is a 1965. I am going to dig and see for sure what year it is. I have a friend with a 1965 Thriftside and his speedo is different. Wondered if mine is a 64, or if someone put a later speedo in it, or what the heck is going on. Thanks for the pic.
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