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  • Sending Unit Installation

    Replacement of the fuel sending unit is very easy on mid-80's rigs and later.
    • Fold up the rear seat and secure using the passenger B pillar strap
      lift up the carpet that was under the rear seat and fold backwards towards the tailgate
    • lift up the cardboard base and move aside
    • you will see a round cover riveted to the floor. Using a punch and a drill bit, drill out these rivets (be careful to only drill out the rivets and not press through the floor).
    • remove the access cover and you'll be looking at the sending unit.
      disconnect the negative ground wire and the power wire from the sending unit and set aside
    • disconnect the fuel and vent lines from the existing sending unit
    • use a vacuum cleaner to remove any and all dirt / debris that is in / on / around the sending unit. Also wipe down the area with a tack rag to ensure no dirt or debris falls into the tank.
    • using a large adjustable wrench, loosen and remove the large plastic nut on top of the sending unit. Take your time to ensure you don't round off the plastic nut.
    • remove the nut, and use the vacuum again to remove any dirt / debris that fell
    • gently pry up and remove the sending unit, taking care to not the original position when installed, as well as the float level / orientation.
    • install the new sending unit in the reverse order, ensuring to use the provided o-ring under the sending unit.

    If you find that your rig doesn't have the little round cover / access plate, you will need to drop your gas tank to access the sending unit. The process is the same, except:
    • block tires and apply emergency brake, do so on a flat level surface
    • support the gas tank with a jack / jack stands
    • disconnect rear driveshaft from rear axle (if needed) and slide aside, using a bunjee cord to keep it out of the way
    • remove skid plate (if applicable)
    • loosen and remove all bolts holding tank to frame
    • disconnect the fill & vent lines at the back of the tank
    • slowly lower the tank to ensure nothing else is still connected
    • follow steps above for sending unit removal / installation
    Last edited by Brent; 01-17-2007, 07:45 AM.