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Doug Thorley Header Installation
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Any response from the manufacturer yet? I was wondering about about putting these headers on a quadra-trac vehicle. How do you sneak the exhaust past the passenger side of the t-case? There is very limited clearance there. The factory pipe is flattened on each side to fit through and if you try to run a 3" pipe through there it isn't gonna fit. Has anyone else run the Doug Thorley's on a QT truck and what does your exhaust routing look like?
Ok, got a response from our vendor. He said it looks like the heat-riser version, but to be sure he needs you to check the box it came in and let us know what markings / notes / part numbers are listed. Also, if you can, he wants a measurement of the short leg of the y-pipe too so he can compare that to their sample and make sure it's correct. You can email this to me at, you can post it here or you can send me a PM. He has both styles of y-pipe in stock, so we should be able to get you the correct one quickly once we get that info back. Thanks, and sorry for the delays.
our vendor looked at the picture and the measurement, and thinks it's all correct. We explained that we've never had this problem before, so he is going to check internally and see if someone changed the style or length of that tube without notifying him. Once he finds out for sure, he's going to call us back so we can see where we need to go from here. Can you measure from the outside of the y-pipe flange to the outside of the header flange, and let me know how wide that gap is?