Put in a new alternator primarily just to clean up some of the hack job wiring that was under the hood when I bought the truck,, get rid of the external regulator, and just plane update the truck for better reliability.
I bought a single wire, 100amp GM unit from Summit Racing for $82 (free shipping). Installed it this morning and tested for voltage... 14.4VDC at all times! The reason this shocks me is EVERYBODY says the one wire jobs only put out when their over 1,000 rpm... Using a digital timing light with a tach. built into it, I set the Idle at an even 760rpm when up to temperature and in Neutral. Still putting out 14.4VDC! Pulled the positive lead off the battery and tested for voltage on the one alternator terminal after driving the truck around a while... 14.4VDC.
Not sure where everybody's getting the alternators that only charge when over 1,000 rpm, but this thing even bolts right into place of the original motorcrap alt. without ANY modification to the mount brackets at all (I did have to replace my oil pressure sending unit with a new/smaller one from the local parts store because the new alternator is slightly longer than original. NO fit problems other than that, and you may not even need to do this)
Probably take less than half an hour to install by anyone if your wiring isn't hacked up like mine was.
Happy Jeep'n

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